It is essential your ventilation system is routinely services to ensure the quality of your environment is maintained.
All Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery (MVHR) and Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) systems need to be maintained regularly to ensure efficiency.
MVHR and HRV units contain disposable air filters, usually in pairs, which filter the airflow in and out of the system. These filters need to be cleaned and replaced regularly, typically every six months to prevent degradation of service.
Failure to clean and replace your filters regularly can lead to the following issues:
- Your MVHR or HRV system not operating efficiently with the benefits not being fully realised.
- You may get a build up of dust, fungi, bacteria or damp in your home.
- Your system and home may become less energy and cost-efficient.
- Your MVHR or HRV system will become louder as it works harder to regulate airflow through blocked filters.
- Ultimately, your MVHR or HRV system could fail, resulting in excessive costs to get it repaired or replaced.
KWisdom Developments can offer you a range of servicing options to suite your requirements and budget:
Including replacement of filters, cleaning of terminals, balancing of system to Approved Document F
Including cleaning of filters, cleaning of terminals, checking to see if the system requires balancing in accordance with Approved Document F
Including cleaning of filters, cleaning of terminals
Please note that if your filters are unable to be cleaned, replacements can be sought at an extra cost. Additionally, if it is found that your system is not balanced in accordance with Approved Document F, this can be balanced at an extra cost.
Got a question about your ventilation system? Why not get in touch today and see how we can help?
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